a laptop with a screenshot of data marketplace on it

The Better Source
to Property Data

3 billion data points on 150 million properties, curated by our world-class team.

Our Sources

Public Record

Searchable location
attributes answer your large scale
nationwide questions.


Know mortgage information
for properties, like rate, type,
and duration.

Deed Records

Historical and current deeds,
quality controlled and ready for use.

Tax Records

Detailed nationwide tax
records, rich and insightful.


Multiple valuation models, including notes and reported valuations by real estate agents nationwide.


Access listings side-by-side with property data with priority access to listing feeds, upon approval.

All Data Is Not Created Equal


We move fast - just like you. Entire zip
codes can be available in under a


Our modern model for delivering large
amounts of data at extremely high-quality
cannot be matched.


Our data is responsibly sourced -
above board, fully-permissioned and
we are 100% accountable.